Grape Must Jam


A delicacy from the wine-making areas of’ the Cape, this jam was usually.served  on thick slices of home-baked white bread spread wiith dripping or lard.

  • ripe sweet grapes
  • 10 ml slaked lime per 5 litres grape juice

Remove the grapes from their stalks, place them in a large bowl and crush them. Cover the howl and leave until the grapes ferment, which will take a couple of days. When the skins have risen to the surface, strain the juice through a sieve and add the slaked lime. Allow the mixture to stand for about 30 minutes. Skim the juice and strain it (see Straining the Juice, page 120). Heat the strained juice to hoiling point in a large, heavy-based saucepan and strain it again. Re- turn to the saucepan and boil rapidly, skimming the surface if necessary. Test the jam for setting point (see Testing if Jams and Jellies are Ready, page 120). It should have the consistency of thick syrup. Pour the jam into hot, dry, sterilized jars and seal immediately.