My Account Page
Use the options provided to view and edit your account information. To change your registered password or email address, click "My Account". You can view a list of previous orders placed under your account and check on the status of pending orders in your account. To view and modify the items in your Wish List, click "Access My Wish List".
Customer Sign In Page
Enter your email address and password to gain access to your account information. If you don't remember your password, click "Forgot your Password?" to have the password emailed to you. If this is your first time shopping here, you can create a new account by supplying the information requested under "Create a New Account", then clicking "Continue".
Customer Edit Account Page
Your profile consists of the name assigned to your account and the email address and password you use to gain access to the account. To change this information, simply modify it in the form displayed. When you are finished making changes, click the "Save" button to update your profile.
Order History Page
The order history for your account is displayed. To view more information about an order, click "View".
Order Detail
The details of your order are shown, and you can reorder the same items by clicking the "Re-order" button.
Checkout Page
Your current order is displayed. To remove an item from the order, click "Remove". To change the quantity of an item, change the number displayed in the Quantity field and then click "Update". If you have any Coupons you wish to use, enter them in the Coupon Code field and click "Apply".
My Wish List
Your personal Wish List is displayed. To remove an item from your Wish List, click "Remove". To move an item from the Wish List to your current order for immediate purchase, click "Buy Now". To change the quantity of an item in the Wish List, change the number displayed in the Quantity field and then click Update.
Search Page
You can use this page to search our inventory of products for items matching a certain description. To initiate a search, enter your criteria and then click Go. You can also use our Advanced Search for more detailed searches. You can use this page to perform a detailed search of our product inventory using a variety of criteria. To initiate a search, enter your criteria and click Search.